Meet the Faces Behind The Local Beachcomber

Stephanie and Shawn at the beach with the ocean in the background



Hey Gullfriends!

I'm Stephanie, the sea glass collector, artist, and owner of The Local Beachcomber. I launched The Local Beachcomber in June 2023 to share the joy and inspiration I’ve always found in the ocean. The sea has been one of my greatest loves, sparking a lifelong passion for exploration, play, and creativity. In high school, I even had a sticker on my car that read, "The Ocean is My Playground."

After moving to Monterey for college and meeting my husband, we realized we didn’t want to return to the hustle and bustle of the Bay Area. We fell in love with the slower, more peaceful rhythm of life in a seaside town, and we’ve been here ever since.

The ocean holds a deep spiritual connection for me, tying me to generations of my family who lived and sailed on the water. My grandfather and uncle both lived on sailboats, and my dad, a master sailor, spent countless days with me on the San Francisco Bay. After my dad’s sudden and unexpected passing, I found comfort in quiet, foggy beach walks. The Local Beachcomber was born on the first anniversary of his passing, and the sailboat ornaments I create were the first pieces I made in his honor for my sister, mom, and stepmom.

Thank you for being here and sharing this special part of the world with me.